July 14th, 2024
Second Sunday of the Month: Elders Quorum & Relief Society Classes in Second hour.
18th Stake Bulletins
Next Two Weeks
Please share these announcements at an appropriate time during church and on your various ward platforms.
- Friday Night Lights — Every Friday Night! 6:30 - 10:30 pm, food and sports every Friday night. (Click/toggle the triangle bullet point for flyer)
- Lindon Bishop’s Storehouse Farming Assignment — 8 volunteers are needed for each shift on Tuesday, July 23, Thursday July 25, and Saturday July 27 from 7:00 am to 9:00 am. Contact Brother Santos of the High Council 941.928.9038 if interested in helping out! (Click the triangle bullet point for flyer and details).
- Utah Valley YSA Regional Events — July 27th. Service Project, 5k and Luau (Click/toggle the triangle for flyer and details)
Beyond Two Weeks
- Together in Christ (2024 Utah Area YSA Conference) — July 27th - August 4th. 4 days of activities and fun! (Click/toggle the triangle for flyer and details)
Calling Specific
- Bishop’s Council — Thursday, July 18th, at 7:00 pm in the High Council room. Bishops invited to attend, or a counselor if the bishop can’t be there.
- EQ & RS Presidency Training — Part 1, Wednesday, July 10th, at 7 pm. Part 2, Wednesday, July 17th, at 7 pm. Both will take place in the northwest Elders Quorum room and will last just over an hour.
Regular Activities
- Wednesday Evening Classes and Opportunities (Click/toggle the triangle for details)
- Self-Reliance Classes – Offered by Wards (Click/toggle the triangle bullet point for details)
Utah Valley Institute Activities
All YSAs are welcome to the following events hosted by the Utah Valley Institute. YSA do not need to attend UVU to participate at the Utah Valley Institute activities.
- Evening Social - Friday, July 19th from 6 pm - 9:30 pm at Canynonview Park (1085 E Provo Canyon Rd). There will be games, food, and music. (toggle for flyer)